Showing 1 - 20 of 27 results
  1. Archaeognatha

    Order, Insect - bristletail (Archaeognatha), Marine, terrestrial

  2. Blattodea

    Order, Insect - cockroach (Dictyoptera), Terrestrial

  3. Coleoptera Linnaeus, 1758 – beetles

    Order, Insect - beetle (Coleoptera), Marine, terrestrial

    Beetle, Invertebrates (Beetles), daolag, daolagan

  4. Dermaptera

    Order, Insect - earwig (Dermaptera), Terrestrial

  5. Dictyoptera – Indet. Cockroach

    Order, Insect - cockroach (Dictyoptera), Terrestrial

    Cockroach, càrnain, càrnan, ceàrnain, ceàrnan

  6. Diptera – Invertebrates (Flies)

    Order, Insect - true fly (Diptera), Marine, terrestrial

    Indet. Fly, flies, Fly, cuileag, cuileagan, cnuimh, cnuimhean, gith, githean

  7. Diptera larva

    Order, Insect - true fly (Diptera), Terrestrial

  8. Embioptera Lameere, 1900

    Order, Insect - web-spinner (Embioptera), Terrestrial

  9. Ephemeroptera – mayflies

    Order, Insect - mayfly (Ephemeroptera), Terrestrial

    Mayflies (Olives etc), Mayflies (Greendrakes), Mayflies (Anglers curse), Mayfly, loin-chraois, lon-chraois, cuileagan-Cèitein, cuileag-Chèitein

  10. Hemiptera – bugs

    Order, Insect - true bug (Hemiptera), Marine, terrestrial


  11. Hymenoptera Linnaeus, 1758 – ants, bees and wasps

    Order, Insect - hymenopteran, Marine, terrestrial

    ants, bees and wasps, Invertebrates (Bees & Wasps)

  12. Lepidoptera – butterflies and moths

    Order, Unassigned, Marine, terrestrial

    Butterflies & moths, Invertebrates (Butterflies), Invertebrates (Moths), Butterflies, Moths, Caterpillar, Unidentified Lepidopteran

  13. Mantodea

    Order, Insect - mantis (Mantodea), Terrestrial

  14. Mecoptera

    Order, Insect - scorpion fly (Mecoptera), Terrestrial

  15. Megaloptera – alderflies

    Order, Insect - alderfly (Megaloptera), Terrestrial

    Alder Fly

  16. Neuroptera

    Order, Insect - lacewing (Neuroptera), Terrestrial

  17. Odonata – dragonflies

    Order, Insect - dragonfly (Odonata), Terrestrial

    Invertebrates (Damselflies & Dragonflies), Indet Dragon/Damselfly, Dragonfly, tairbh-nathrach, tarbh-nathrach

  18. Orthoptera – grasshoppers and crickets

    Order, Insect - orthopteran, Terrestrial

    Invertebrates (Crickets & Grasshoppers), Grasshopper, fionnain-fheòir, fionnan-feòir, cuileagan-teallaich, cuileag-theallaich, brobhadain, brobhadan

  19. Phasmatodea

    Order, Insect - stick insect (Phasmida), Terrestrial

  20. Plecoptera – stoneflies

    Order, Insect - stonefly (Plecoptera), Terrestrial

    Stonefly, Stoneflies (Plecoptera)