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  • Habitat: freshwater

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Showing 1 - 17 of 17 results
  1. Acanthocystidae

    Family, Protozoan, Freshwater, terrestrial

  2. Acanthocystis Carter, 1863

    Genus, Protozoan, Freshwater, terrestrial

  3. Acanthocystis turfacea Carter, 1863

    Species, Protozoan, Freshwater, terrestrial

  4. Anisonema Dujardin, 1841

    Genus, Protozoan, Freshwater, marine

  5. Anisonemia

    Subclass, Protozoan, Freshwater, marine

  6. Anisonemida

    Order, Protozoan, Freshwater, marine

  7. Anisonemidae Saville Kent, 1880

    Family, Protozoan, Freshwater, marine

  8. Arcella gibbosa Penard, 1890

    Species, Protozoan, Freshwater

  9. Centrohelida

    Order, Protozoan, Freshwater, terrestrial

  10. Choanocystidae Cavalier-Smith and von der Heyden, 2007

    Family, Chromist, Freshwater

  11. Choanocystis Penard, 1904

    Genus, Chromist, Freshwater

  12. Discosea Cavalier-Smith et al. 2004

    Class, Protozoan, Freshwater

  13. Flabellinia Smirnov et al. 2005

    Subclass, Protozoan, Freshwater

  14. Heliozoa

    Class, Protozoan, Freshwater, terrestrial

  15. Heterophryidae Poche, 1913

    Family, Chromist, Freshwater

  16. Lobosa Carpenter, 1861, em. Cavalier-Smith, 2009

    Subphylum, Protozoan, Freshwater

  17. Peranemea

    Class, Protozoan, Freshwater, marine

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